

New Friends

Wow. This was an amazing night. 
I had an amazing Livestream with everyone, and I met new friends!
Thank you everyone for your amazing support. I really appreciate it. 
Special thanks to:
Ryan, Brandon, and Vlad. <3
You're all very nice people, and I'm glad to have met you.
Also, I'm very close to finishing my next track:
"The Untitled Rainbow Dash Song 2" 
Have a good night! :3



               I'm planning on Livestreaming this Sunday at 8:30pm Pacific time.
                                               I hope you to see you there! <3
                    (Link to Livestream:


The Ever So Powerful Flank

Well well. It seems like I've been uploading a new song every day. It's so epic. <3
This new song I'm releasing tonight is called The Ever So Powerful Flank.
Trixie will be in the spotlight in this remix piece. Why the odd title?
I have no idea. Even my friend Lauren thought it was quite an odd title. But I like it for some ODD reason. Haha xD
It may not be my best, but I sure do hope you guys enjoy it, because I sure did have a fun time mixing it! :]


Brony Appreciation Day

It seems as if it was Brony Appreciation Day yesterday without me knowing.
Well, I mind as well appreciate those awesome Bronies out there today. <3
I'm going to show my appreciation by hanging around my Brony friends today,
and telling them how awesome they are. :3
What are you going to do for Brony Appreciation Day?
(Even though it already passed)



Uploading a new song I've just finished tonight. I always upload at night because rendering the video takes so long because it's in HD. Also it lags my computer. :/ But anywho, I'm very excited to upload this new song. It was hard to decide either to put Twilight as the main vocals or Pinkie Pie. I chose Pinkie Pie in the end, and I'm very happy with my choice. I hope you all like it. <3

Call Of Duty

I don't know why, but I just like playing Call Of Duty. <3
It's not because of the graphics... nor do I have alot of rage or something like that.
I guess... I just like shooting peoples heads off. :]

My First Entry.

Wow. I've never had a blog before. It's quite exciting. <3